CAMBRIDGE - The Intercounty Baseball League (IBL) today announced the launch of the IBL Alumni Association.
"This would have been our 102nd year and it is a season like no other. We are all missing baseball and like many aspects of society 2020 has given us a reason to pause and reflect. We think this is an ideal time to recognize and reach out to the players that have put so much into this league," IBL Commissioner John Kastner said. “In all honesty, it’s overdue.”
The IBL Alumni Association will provide a network for former players, coaches, executives, and staffers. The group is aimed at reconnecting alumni with each other, the IBL Office, teams, players, staff, and current and former IBL communities.
The IBL Alumni Association will offer a number of incentives for members. Upon membership, alumni will receive a membership card, ticket discounts, IBL apparel discounts, invitations to exclusive League functions and events, ability to select a nomination for the IBL Hall of Fame and access to the IBL Alumni database.
For full details and to join, visit THEIBL.CA